Shoregal Soccer

Shoregal Soccer

Monday, February 25, 2013

News for the Week of Feb. 25, 2013

Program Notes for the Week of 2/25/13:

We are taking some steps to modernize ourselves and bring you even more content.  This week we will be presenting an online calendar and videos of games from the 2012 season.

2013 Calendar:
The coaching staff has assembled a preliminary calendar for the 2013 season.  You may find this calendar via Google calendar at:

2013 Shoregal Soccer Calendar

If you have a gmail account you can subscribe to this calendar.  Subscribing will merge these events with whatever other calendar you may have constructed.  

Of course, this early in the season there will be changes as we progress, but this will give you a good idea of what to expect throughout the rest of 2013.

2012 Game Videos:
It took us a little while to figure out how to make game videos available to everyone and we now have something to share.  We have uploaded a video of the Berea game through You Tube and you may view it by either going to You Tube and typing in Shoregal Soccer in the Search bar or go to the direct link below:

At this point in time, we only have the Varsity game available and it is in 4 parts.  We should be adding more games in the coming weeks.

Shoregals in the News:
This week we would like to mention that Karen Krause is Captain of the ALHS Dance team this year.  They have a showcase event with several other schools on Tuesday Feb. 26th.  See more information about the Dance team at the link below:

When Karen is not leading the Dance team, the junior is a midfielder for the Shoregals.

Kiko Lopez Footskills Sessions:
For those who may be interested - former ALHS girls coach Kiko Lopez is holding footskills as listed below. Kiko is very well known and well thought of for his footskills instruction and has been doing it for decades now. I have provided some basic details below and for more information, visit his website at:

Indoor Footskills Session III will begin March 4th through March 29th 2013

Weekly 1 hour sessions will be held Monday - Saturday at – 1200 Chester Industrial Parkway Avon, OH 44011


$52 for 4 classes for ages 9-12 ($13 per class)

$64 for 4 classes for ages 13 & up ($16 per class)

** Make checks payable to Kiko’s Dribbling. Checks are to be paid in full no later than the second class.

Please indicate your preferred days by checking off your first and second choice etc. Also please indicate your time preference of each day on the right.

( ) 4:00 - 5:00 ( ) 5:00 - 6:00 ( ) 6:00 – 7:00

( ) 7:00 – 8:00 ( ) 8:00 – 9:00pm

( ) Monday: Mar. 4,11,18,25 Time: ______________

( ) Tuesday: Mar. 5,12,19,26 Time: ______________

( ) Wednesday: Mar. 6,13,20,27 Time: ______________

( ) Thursday: Mar. 7,14,21,28 Time: ______________

( ) Friday: Mar. 8,15,22,29 Time:______________

Shorty Sez:
We are going to continue presenting motivtional sayings coming from the Twitter site called Women Sports which may be found at:

Once there, here are some selected examples of tweets over the past week. Hope that you find something that inspires you here:

Take your victories, whatever they may be, cherish them, use them, but don't settle for them. - Mia Hamm (soccer)

I like working hard for what I earn. It gives me a sense of gratitude, and that’s the only way I can truly appreciate it. - Sasha Azevedo

Who you are speaks so loudly; there really is no reason for your words.

Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?

Never give up on the things that make you smile.

It's not a problem to make mistakes, everyone does, but it is a problem if you don't learn from them

Shoregal Website:
Don't forget to visit our Shoregal website at:

There you will find more in depth stats and stories than we can fit on our blog.

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