Shoregal Soccer

Shoregal Soccer

Monday, May 11, 2015

News for the Week of May 11, 2015

Program Notes for the Week of 5/11/2015:

Happy Mother's Day:
I would like to wish Happy Mother's Day to all our Shoregal moms who really make this program work and have given me a lot of assistance over the years.  I came across a post on a soccer blog that I would like to share with everyone by an individual named Jack Heffron:

Say Thanks to Soccer Mom

By Jack Heffron on May 11, 2012.

The soccer mom. We all know her. She’s the frazzled-looking gal wheeling the minivan or SUV into the parking lot next to the fields behind the school. As the door flings open and a handful of kids tumble out, she shouts things like “Don’t forget your water bottle” and “I’m taking your sister to her practice and then I’ll be back.”

According to the stereotype, she’s sort of dull and conventional. Her life is mostly a matter of quickly prepared dinners and frantically rushing around the neighborhood dropping off and picking up kids at their games and practices.

It’s a stereotype so pervasive that we know longer actually see these real-life women in their countless variety. Nor do we appreciate enough all the things they do to keep the youth sports wheels turning. Without them, in fact, those wheels surely would grind to a halt. They take care of their own kids and keep an eye out for every member of the team. They can be counted on to cheer, to provide post-game snacks, to make sure the kids are hydrated and safe and happy. They keep score. Some are coaches. All are invaluable.

With Mother’s Day coming up, I thought we should take a few minutes to truly see these women and to say thank you.  On Mother’s Day, thank the Soccer Moms who you know. It’s not always a fun job, and gratitude is rarely part of it.

Mattress Sale:
Once again this year, the girls team in conjunction with the boys team will be holding a mattress sale fundraiser.  The sale will be one day on Saturday May 23rd from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm at the Avon Lake High School Commons. See the attached flyer below.  This is a great way to get a mattress at a discounted cost and you will be helping out the ALHS soccer program!!  Pass the word to family and friends....

Shoregal Alumni in the News:
From time to time we like to update everyone on various accomplishments that have been achieved by our Shoregal Alumni.  This week we have some news about Hilary George who was recently named as the Head Coach at the University of South Carolina - Aiken.  Aiken is a NCAA Div. II school and this is her first head coaching job, so congratulations are definitely in order.   Here is a short bio on her:

Hilary could be considered the greatest goalie to ever play for the Shoregals.  During her high school career, she recorded 30 shutouts and is our all-time leader in that category.  She played 4 yrs. on the Varsity from 1996 - 1999.  

After high school, she was awarded a scholarship to Gardner-Webb Univ. in North Carolina which is a Div. 1 college.  She played on the Varsity from 2000 - 2004 and during her time she recorded 14.5 shutouts which ranks second all-time at the school.  She was also named a first team All-America selection by the National Christian College Athletic Assn.  Hilary completed both a bachelor's and master's degrees at Gardner-Webb.

After college, she served as assistant women's soccer coach at Armstrong Atlantic State Univ. in Savannah, Georgia for 6 years.  She then spent the past three years as assistant coach at the Univ. of South Carolina - Beaufort. Hilary is also a certified strength & conditioning specialist.  

It is great to see that Hilary continued her playing career while getting an education and has now experienced success in the coaching ranks as well.  A great role model for young Shoregals!!

Soccer Training Videos:
The offseason period is a great time to work on soccer skills and to assist with that we will be posting training videos and this week we have one entitled "How to Curve a Soccer Ball".  Watch the videos and then go out and practice and refine your technique.  The videos are put together by an outfit called Epic Sports.  They have a website that you can visit as well.

Shorty Sez:
We continue with our collection of motivational sayings coming from the Twitter sites called Women Love Sports and Coach K which may be found at:

Once there, here are some selected examples of tweets over the past week. Hope you find something that inspires you here:

The 4 A's of Success:
  1)  Academics.
  2)  Athletics.
  3)  Attitude.
  4)  Achievement.

Nothing will work unless you do. - John Wooden

You are successful the moment you start moving toward a worthwhile goal.

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.

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