Shoregal Soccer

Shoregal Soccer

Monday, July 18, 2011

News for the Week of July 18, 2011

Program Notes for the Week of 7/18/11:

This week will feature:

Coaches contact day as follows:
Mon. 7/18  7:00 - 8:30 a.m. & 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. both at Troy.

Tues. 7/19 7:00 - 8:30 a.m. & 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. both at Troy.

Weds.. 7/20 7:00 - 8:30 a.m. & 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. both at Troy.

Thur. 7/21 7:00 - 8:30 a.m.

Strongsville Showcase - Fri. 7/22 & Sat. &/7/23.   See website for schedules at

Alumni Game & Picnic:
Take a look at the Shoregallery for a picture from the Alumni game.
A big thank you goes to our committee which consisted of Chris Nedrich, Holly Spitz, & Margie Maloney. Also, we have to thank Dads - Bob Nedrich, Brian Spitz, & Tom Mills for manning the grill and taking care of loading & unloading. Also, thanks to all the parents who came and brought side dishes.

Women's World Cup:
A disappointing end to the U.S. women's run in the World Cup.  They had their chances and should have won that game.  Japan was a team of destiny that had the hopes of an entire nation on their backs as they look for some positives after the earthquake & tsunami.  Very difficult to beat a team on a mission and Japan refused to be beaten on this day.  Japan's play was yet another example of the adage to "Never give up no matter how unlikely it seems that you will achieve your goal".  They kept pushing until they found a way to win.

Northern Ohio Girls Soccer League All Star Game:
I have been remiss in not mentioning the NOGSL U-14 All Star game which was held at ALHS at the end of May.  There were a number of our incoming Freshmen who were selected to play in this game as follows:

Anne Dargenio
Ali Balthaser
Kayla Osberg
Emma Callensen

Congratulations to the girls on their selection to the All-Star team!!

Soccer Site of the Week:
As we come up on the Strongsville Showcase at the end of the week, I would like to highlight the website of one of our opponents in Guerin Catholic High School.

This school is located in Noblesville, Indiana which is Northeast of Indianapolis in the greater Indianapolis area.  Last year they recorded an 18-4-1 record and were Indiana state semi-finalists.  They do a very nice job with their website and it is worth a vist.

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