Shoregal Soccer

Shoregal Soccer

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

News for the Week of June 18, 2012

Program Notes for the Week of 6/18/2012:

Father's Day Weekend:
I just want to take a minute to thank everyone who helped out with fundraising events over the past weekend.  Special thanks go to our Duct Tape festival coordinator Ann Stonecipher, our site coordinators for the Father's Day Tournament - Ken & Suzanne Krause and Paul & Amy Kress.  We want to thank our purchasing team of Jill Werling Quinn & Leoma Berroteran.  Also, thanks to Jill for letting us use her garage as our HQ.  We can't forget Anita & Megan Braye for taking care of our ice requirements. That is a huge help and cost savings for us.  Also, a big thank you to all the parents who worked at the various venues during the weekend.  We had a number of parents who worked two shifts and that really helped us make the weekend.

Alumni Game:
With Father's Day behind us, it is now time to turn our attention to the annual Alumni Game & Picnic.  This year's game will be held on Saturday July 14th at 3:00 p.m. at Walker Road Park.  We will start play around 3:00 with food and fellowship to follow.  Let any Alumni you run across know about this year's game.

Northern Ohio Girls Soccer League Scholarship Winner:
We are thrilled to report that senior Annie Lyons was the recipient of a NOGSL scholarship in the amount of $2,000.  The scholarship is based on academics, activities, community service, leadership, and an essay on the subject of your most memorable moment playing in the NOGSL. This makes two consecutive years we have had Shoregals receive this scholarship as Annie joins Maddie Bernard from last year.  Congrats to Annie!!

Gino Strippoli Memorial Scholarship:
This scholarship honors the memory of long time Avon Lake coach, referee, and volunteer Gino Strippoli who died while refereeing a game in 2006. Two $1,000 scholarships are awarded annually to deserving high school seniors who exemplify the spirit of Gino's dedication to soccer and community.

This year's female recipient was Jocey Spitz of ALHS. Congrats to Jocey!!

Past recipients are as follows:

2011 - Sarah Hudson

2010 - Bridget Lyons

2009 - Laura Rickey

2008 - Sammy Stuart

2007 - Sarah Lyons

Concussion Testing:
We are all becoming aware of the dangers of concussions in contact sports such as soccer.  With that in mind, ALHS is becoming proactive in this area and will be administering two different concussion tests to our soccer athletes this year.  The first one known as the C3 test will take place this Thursday 6/21 at the high school in the gym area.  All should be there for this testing as it provides the baseline for future comparisons, if needed, in case of a concussion.  This is new this year for soccer players and it is important, so make every effort to be there.

20th Anniversary of Shoregal Soccer:
With all the hectic activity of the Father's Day weekend, we will take a break this week.  But, we will be back next week with some more great memories from the first 20 years of Shoregal soccer!

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